The great thing about the web is that if you're selling something obscure, and you're accessible by google, people will find you.
I've seen it a lot looking for parts for my boat engine. There's the dealer network (slow, expensive, high shipping) and everyone else (access to non-OEM replacements, good customer service, quick shipping). Mercury outboards are particularly obnoxious since they don't fulfill your order. Instead, they pass it to a local dealer who may or may not feel like fulfilling it in a timely and complete fashion. After two weeks when you call and its magically shipped the next day, you realize the internet revolution has yet to hit that dealership. So I buy a lot off Ebay and small sellers where I can.
Occasionally you get the wrong thing. Or have to buy a minimum quantity. But my theory is that I can resell these items quick. Because they know they're coming from a real person like themselves. And they're well described. And I ship at reasonable prices (listed is UPS/Fedex Ground; upgraded shipping at my cost; love to combine; pickup in RI). I could do it on Ebay. But the power of google means people will come to me...eventually.
Here goes:
(10/06) 91-13949 $35+5 -- installer tool -- used for installation of seals into a water pump base. Hint: unnecessary if you buy a new base.
(10/06) 26-43035, 26-43036 $16+2 -- seals for water pump bases
(10/06) 43055A 4 $45+5 -- aluminum base (cover assy) for Mercury water pump; with gaskets. Factory sealed. Identical to 19282A2 (the silicon bases originally sold as 19282a1 are no longer sold)
(10/06) 22 816856T 3 $13+4 -- Fuel connector; female connector that accepts yamaha-style two prong fuel line. Factory sealed. From Mercury minimum quantity is 2.
(10/06) Quicksilver Needle Bearing Assembly Grease -- $8+4 Tough to find; Essential for certain lubrications inside the powerhead. Found mislabelled on Ebay as boat trailer grease.
(10/06) 1395-823635 4 -- carb rebuild kit, 1395-9594 Fuel Float, 3 carb gaskets $54+4 -- Not really interested in selling; Will if you need them bad enough.
From my Corvette parts collection. is pretty good so you'd probably have to be local for these to be worthwhile.
(10/06) 1028-3575 Front Deflector -- wrong part
(10/06) 10419313 Lower Fascia -- right part; wrecked the car and insurance paid for repairs prior to installing
(10/06) 16267411 Interior Thermostat -- right part, still not sure if it would help
Glass roof with cracking in middle layer (cosmetic, no structural issues). Classic problem. Good as core for refurb or a temporary.
And my small Jeep parts collection:
(11/06) 56006867 Underhood lamp shield $8 + $3 -- didn't need it for repair.
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