If you're going to rip people off, you should at least have the courtesy to disappear.
Edited: Brian Jones, CEO of Adventure Training Concepts, may be having some tough financial times which caused him to default on a prosper loan. But he's man enough to face things immediately when confronted. I've changed my opinion to legitimate default and genuinely wish him the best of luck going forward.
Prosper was/is a great idea, but turned out to be unbelievably poorly executed. Their idea of due diligence on borrowers was completely pathetic. They are plagued with massive fraud and unpaid loans. And an occasional loan that appeared low-risk, yet cratered after 4 months. The loan defaulted and eventually sold for about 8 cents on the dollar. Definitely something to consider if you're thinking about doing business.
Considering the other loan I have which is about to default, I'm break even on prosper (15-20 loans). Pretty interesting lessons learned for the opportunity cost of parking $1K for two years. There's a great community at prospers.org. The company has proven itself both incompetent and completely unable to regain the confidence of lenders, almost all of whom have been burnt badly (even senior prosper employees).
The best part is the information is public with open APIs. So there's lots of third party sites that help you look at your portfolio or that can calculate just how ripped off most lenders have been over the last 3 years.
I feel really bad for many lenders who are in for 100K+ and are taking huge losses. I learned a lot for my minimal investment -- just hope I get the rest of my money back at this point.
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